Manuela Stelck
My photographic journey:
I’ve been taking photos “forever”, but not always. I got my first camera at the age of 12 and took pictures of my family on walks, on trips or in the garden. When I was about 16-17 years old, I had my first Minolta SLR camera and my subjects were children in playgrounds, my friends at school, on bike rides together and sometimes my hometown. Of course, I also had my camera with me when I started exploring the world during my studies. Although I always enjoyed taking photos, in the end it was just “taking pictures”.
The birth of my kids set me back technically, a small compact camera was always quicker to hand than the SLR. In 2010, Sony launched the Alpha 55 with the translucent mirror. Although I was pretty hooked, I didn’t really warm to this camera and so another few years passed until I found my camera in 2016: The Sony 6000. I loved it and it still exists. However, it has had several successors from the Sony camp, because when my kids left home, my hobby developed rapidly. I had time to get to grips with aperture, shutter speed and ISO, image composition, various popular photographers and, ultimately, image editing. I found friends via FB, with whom I met up mostly in Hamburg, but also in other cities, and from whom I was able to learn a lot. This is how architecture and landscape photography became an important hobby. Today I like to go on photo trips to get to know certain spots, for example last year I spent 3 weeks in Iceland.
Unfortunately, I now realize again and again that really captivating (landscape) photos are not only dependent on the subject, but above all on the “good” light and I particularly like the pictures where the photographer was “in the right place at the right time”. I hope to find the “right” time more often, because from the summer onwards, a new phase in my life will allow me to intensify my hobby further. I hope that I will then not only find time to try out other genres of photography, but also to take and develop more pictures in such a way that they captivate the viewer for longer than a second.
I am curious to see how the journey will continue.
My photographic philosophy:
Under Construction

Schaue und überlege, bevor du den Verschluss öffnest. Herz und Verstand sind das wahre Objektiv der Kamera.
Yousuf Karsh

Alle Fotografien sind korrekt. Keines von ihnen ist die Wahrheit.
Richard Avedon

Fotografie ist eine Art zu fühlen, zu berühren, zu lieben. Was du auf Film eingefangen hast, wird für immer festgehalten. Es wird dich an kleine Dinge erinnern, lange nachdem du alles vergessen hast.
Aaron Siskind