Our club meetings
We meet biweekly on Tuesdays for a club evening. The focus is a mixture of fun and learning. This means active, joint photography on a jointly selected theme or a specific genre that we want to improve or simply try out. Another focus of our club evenings is image reviews but developing and editing images jointly. In this process we learn from each other and explore the individual interpretation of maybe even the same motif further. We are also all interested in presenting our pictures in competitions and so we utilize each other’s perspectives on potential “competition candidates” before a jury casts a scrutinizing eye on them. In addition, we plan joint exhibitions as well as joint activities.
To dedicate time and space to all these topics, we meet every second Saturday of a month for extended photography activities. These can be projects in the Alsenhof, but also photo walks or excursions to interesting places.
Still Live before Christmas
Iris photography with Rita and Marc
We learn from each other with Steffi and Arne

To me, photography is an art of observation. It’s about finding something interesting in an ordinary place…I’ve found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.
Elliott Erwitt

I take photographs in my neighbourhood. I believe that wonderful things happen in familiar places. We don’t always have to run to the other side of the world.
Saul Leiter

Taking good photos, expressing something, contributing something to the world in which he lives and contributing something to the art of photography other than imitations of the best photographers on the market, that is the basic training, the self-image.
Edward Steichen